为了提高杨梅果实采收和贮藏品质,以"荸荠"种杨梅为材料,在发育期施用不同水平的K、B肥组合,评价施肥对杨梅果实采收和贮藏品质以及贮藏期主要抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明:果实内的矿物质元素N、P、K、B含量以处理组合B2K1(6.0 g B/L+1.0 kg K/株)最高,Zn含量以处理组合B2K2(6.0 g B/L+1.0 kg K/株)最高。处理B2K1果实单果重量、可溶性固形物(TSS)含量、可溶性糖含量(WSS)及Vc含量最高,而可滴定酸含量最低。果实内矿质元素N、P、K、B、Zn含量与果实的单果重量、WSS、TSS、Vc等含量成正相关关系。在贮藏期,杨梅果实品质指标除TSS以外,其他品质指标含量都以处理B2K1下降最少;杨梅果实内POD、SOD、CAT酶活性均以处理B2K1最高;MDA含量以处理B2K2最低、处理B2K1次之。综合各种因素,以处理组合B2K1果实采收和贮藏期品质最佳,贮藏性能最优,处理组合B2K2次之。该结果可为高品质杨梅产业化生产施肥提供参考依据。
[Objective] The aim was to explore fertilizers with different proportions of N, P and K on citrus fruit cracking and to seek best treatment in preventing fruit cracking. [Method] Compound fertilizers with different proportions of N, P and K were prepared, supplemented by leaf fertilizers with varying mineral elements. [Result] It is proved the treatment II containing spring fertilizers (N:P2O5:K2O=20:10:10), summer fertilizers (N:P2O5:K2O=16:8:16), and leaf fertilizers with calcium nitrate solu- tion (0.5%) achieved the best prevention effects of fruit cracking. In the meantime, N-to-K ratio and N-to-Ca ratio were proved of positive correlation with cracked fruits, and the higher the ratios, the higher the proportion of cracked fruits, vice versa. On other hand, Ca-to-K ratio was of negative correlation with cracked fruits, and the higher the ratio, the lower the proportion of cracked fruits. [Conclusion] In practical production, fertilization should be conducted as per soil moisture content, tree growth, and seasons, in a balanced and comprehensive way.